Muslim from South America

WhyIslam Hosts First International Virtual Hispanic Muslim Conference

On April 18th and 19th, WhyIslam made history by hosting their first ever virtual international Hispanic Muslim conference through the WhyIslam, ¿Por qué Islam? (WhyIslam Spanish) and Foro Islámico Global Facebook pages, as well as the 877-WhyIslam YouTube channel. “La conferencia virtual de musulmanes hispanos, Entregándose al Islam: Cómo [...]

2021-03-30T21:11:19+00:00June 2nd, 2020|Latino Muslims|

Latin America

Muslims in Latin America When the Americas were discovered by the Spaniards in the fifteenth century, they brought slaves from the north and west of Africa who introduced Islam in Latin America, staying in countries like Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia and some Caribbean islands. In many cases, these Muslim slaves [...]

2017-12-19T18:54:52+00:00November 30th, 2015|Latino Muslims, Muslim Heritage, Muslim World|

Islam in Latin America

Muslims explored South America long before Columbus “discovered” the Americas and Islam was the second monotheistic religion introduced in post-Columbian America after Catholicism. Despite these facts, Islam has had a tragic past in Latin America and only recently have Muslims begun to reclaim their identity and their heritage. Latin [...]

2017-12-01T00:21:45+00:00January 2nd, 2011|Latino Muslims, Muslim World|
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