Remembering 9/11 Today

By Saulat Pervez September 11, 2001, changed everything. We who had led carefree lives centering on our individual routines, blissfully uninformed about international events or the politics of far-flung places, were caught unawares. A stunned nation watched with horror, filled with hurt and anger. Grief engulfed our hearts, questions [...]

2018-01-05T03:45:05+00:00September 11th, 2014|9-11, Jihad, On Faith|

The Aftermath of 9/11

By Riad Saloojee, The Globe and Mail, 1/16/2002 An enduring aftermath of Sept. 11 is the continued spotlight on Islam. Almost daily, self-declared experts dissect Islam in articles, commentaries, political prognostications, and, too often, the apocalyptic scenario of a clash of civilizations. Some of these attempts at understanding Islam betray [...]

2018-01-05T03:45:48+00:00June 29th, 2010|9-11, Jihad|
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