Cat Stevens

How I came to Islam - by Yusuf Islam From Musician to Muslim by Allah's Will All I have to say is all what you know already, to confirm what you already know, the message of the Prophet (Sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) as given by God - the Religion of [...]

2017-12-01T00:21:48+00:00August 4th, 2010|Spiritual Journeys|

Spiritual Journeys

"We have indeed sent down signs that make things manifest: and Allah guides whom He wills to a way that is straight." [Quran 24:46] The religion one decides to practice is a very personal decision. Islamic holds the position that human beings have been created by God with the attribute [...]

2017-12-01T00:21:50+00:00June 25th, 2010|Spiritual Journeys|
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